Configuring NGINX with HTTPS redirect and reverse proxying to multiple services

Configuring NGINX with HTTPS redirect and reverse proxying to multiple services

So I had an issue where I wanted to host multiple websites behind a single web address/IP address. I knew this was possible to do, but I didn’t know how. I also wanted it to be secured by HTTPS, which would require a redirect of all HTTP traffic. I stitched together the following. I commented…

Extending a linux LVM partition after expanding its virtual hard drive using parted

Extending a linux LVM partition after expanding its virtual hard drive using parted

This assumes you already have expanded the hard drive within VMware or VirtualBox, or whatever your virtualization solution you use. You will also need to make sure parted is installed on the system you are working on. This guide is using GNU parted 3.1 Disclaimer: Parted is a partition modification tool make sure you have…

Reformatting NetApp Disks from 520 sector size to 512 sector size using FreeNAS (FreeBSD)

Reformatting NetApp Disks from 520 sector size to 512 sector size using FreeNAS (FreeBSD)

So I have some disks I got from a friend, he got them off ebay and they didn’t work for him, he couldn’t get his RAID controller to format them at all. After doing some research I came to the conclusion he didn’t have the equipment needed to reformat them. I offered to buy them…